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Painful Sex? It’s More Common than You Think

Painful sex is more common than you may think and has many different causes. In fact, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), 3 out of 4 women will experience painful sex in their lifetime. Depending on the cause, it could be a temporary problem or a long term issue.

What Causes Painful Sex?

There are a variety of issues that could cause sex to be painful. Pain, particularly related to deep vaginal penetration, may be a symptom of an ovarian cyst or endometriosis.

Entry pain and other common forms of discomfort can be caused by:

If pain during sex is becoming a regular occurrence or if the pain is severe, you should schedule a visit with your OBGYN.

What Can You Do to Help with the Pain?

If you are having painful sex, you should consult your physician. However, there are a few methods that could help relieve you from some of the pain.

When Should You See a Doctor?

Your sexual health is important to your overall health and should be taken seriously. If pain during sex is becoming a regular occurrence or if the pain is severe, you should see your OBGYN. These symptoms can be caused by health conditions that need treatment. Your doctor will run tests to see what the cause of your discomfort may be including pelvic exams, ultrasounds and even a laparoscopy.

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort during sex, book an appointment today.

Book an Appointment

*This blog is for general informational purposes only. Christopher K. Quinsey MD, P.A. does not distribute medical advice through this blog. As such, this blog does not constitute a patient-client relationship between the reader and Christopher K. Quinsey MD, P.A.

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