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Heavy Bleeding Specialist

Christopher K Quinsey, MD

Obstetrics and Gynecology located in Lake Mary, FL

If heavy bleeding is preventing you from enjoying your life, you’re not alone. Many women experience heavy periods that affect their ability to sleep, exercise, and even walk comfortably. At his office in Lake Mary, Florida, and serving the communities of Central Florida, Christopher Quinsey, MD, diagnoses and treats the causes of heavy bleeding through surgical and hormonal management solutions. To schedule an appointment today, call Christopher K Quinsey, MD, or book online.

Heavy Bleeding Q & A

How do I know if I have heavy bleeding?

Normal menstruation typically lasts between two and seven days and produces up to 80 ml (8 tablespoons) of blood. You should be able to manage a normal menstrual flow with sanitary products, such as pads or tampons, every two hours.

If you have bleeding that forces you to change your sanitary products once an hour or less, you may have abnormal uterine bleeding.

The average menstrual cycle takes about 28 days, but cycles between 21 and 40 days are still considered normal. Bleeding outside of your regular cycle may point to an underlying condition or abnormal growth. Talk to Dr. Quinsey right away if you experience any of the following signs of heavy bleeding:

  • Bleeding after menopause
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Fatigue or dizziness that accompanies bleeding
  • Unexplained bleeding between periods
  • Bleeding while pregnant
  • Large blood clots
  • Bleeding that lasts longer than your normal cycle

If you think you’re experiencing heavy bleeding, it’s important to track how many sanitary products you use a day.

What causes heavy bleeding?

There are many reasons you may have heavy bleeding, such as:

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths that typically develop in the uterus during a woman’s childbearing years.


A miscarriage is the sudden loss of a pregnancy before the fetus reaches 20 weeks. Heavy bleeding is typically the most common sign of a miscarriage.

IUD problems

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a T-shaped form of birth control that Dr. Quinsey inserts into your uterus. If your IUD shifts out of place, it can lead to heavy bleeding.


Uterine, ovarian, and cervical cancers all affect your reproductive organs and can cause heavy bleeding when left untreated.

What are the treatments for heavy bleeding?

Dr. Quinsey offers hormonal and surgical treatments for heavy bleeding at his office. The method he recommends depends on the cause of your condition.

Hormonal treatments, such as birth control pills, can help reduce your level of blood loss and minimize menstrual cramping. Progesterone tablets can also help reduce heavy bleeding if you have a hormonal imbalance.

If you have uterine fibroids, an ectopic pregnancy, or cancer, Dr. Quinsey may recommend a minimally invasive surgical procedure to treat the condition and reduce your heavy bleeding.

To schedule an appointment at Christopher K Quinsey, MD, call or book online today.